We will be your partner in having the business you always dreamed of.
You need to be prepared to dig deep, have fun and be a contribution to others.

What you might be dealing with:

  • You have a great idea, product or service that you are passionate about
  • You want more customers, but you don’t know where to start
  • You have been in business for 5 or more years and you feel stuck
  • You have a new business and don’t know how to kick-start your sales and marketing
  • You have a lots and lots of ideas for your business and you need to narrow your focus
  • You need a plan – a clear pathway – to customers, sales and revenue
  • You want to find creative ways to finance your business
  • You want to get the most out of a limited budget for marketing, sales and planning

What you want:

  • To create a thriving business out of your product, service or idea
  • For your business to fulfil on it’s potential
  • To get more customers who just love what you do
  • To clarify your business direction
  • To stop dabbling and get serious about your business
  • To get financing for your company
  • To create a business that is fulfilling and rewarding
  • To expand your team (but you feel scared)

What you need to be:

  • Passionate about your product or service
  • Open to coaching and feedback
  • Committed to providing value and service to other people
  • Ready to work and make changes

Stop trying to avoid problems. There will always be problems.
But, let’s tackle the big problems. The ones that are worth giving our lives to.

Your problems are not what you think they are

Most people think that money is their problem. If only they had $50,000 they could create the business of their dreams. In most cases money is not the problem. If you have a great product, a good pricing model and a strong marketing strategy you have a business and the money will follow. If you don’t, more money won’t make any difference – it will just delay the inevitable collapse of your business.

We will help you build a strong business foundation that will bring money to you.

Getting a business off the ground takes time, creativity and planning. This is hard to do on your own. We will push you beyond your regular habits and patterns into a creative zone of clarity and focus. This is an opportunity to get your ideas out, organized and ready for the world.

We will find your voice and figure out how to express that in your marketing in way that feels good and true to the real you. We’ll help you write content, unlock the mysteries of social media and create a brand that will bring tears to your eyes. Yes, we like to make our clients cry, but in a good way.

Fall in love with your business and feel confident in what you need to do now to bring in customers and get your message out to the world.

What we do

We help you find a pathway for reaching more customers, more effectively and in a way that is true to the heart and soul of your business.

Our work is hands-on and practical. We get stuck into your real business, not your fantasy business. Together we figure out what will work, get rid of limiting ideas and create a pathway for marketing, selling and financing your business that both inspires you and is based in reality.

Along the way you will be surprised by the new insights you have about your business, who your customers really are and how to market yourself.  But insights alone don’t create results. The only way you will get results is if you take action. But what are the right actions to take? What are the best actions you can take now to forward your business? That is the core of our work together.

You will be active in this process. After all, no-one knows more about your business than you. We will work together to create a concrete action plan for your business that you can start working with right away.

Initial Consultation

A one hour session to uncover your key business challenges.

Message Model

Get your elevator pitch on steroids and YOU in your USP.

Business Pathfinder

Dig deep and discover the pathway to your success.

Website & Branding

Bring your marketing to life with a vibrant brand, website, social media and content development.

Select from the options above and discover how together, we can move your business forward.

Read our latest blog-posts

Are fuzzy promises stealing your power?

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Lost your spark? Bring inspiration back to your business

When you are starting a new business your mind is bursting with new ideas. Just like a new relationship, one of the things that makes starting a new business so alluring is that you are stepping into the unknown. However, after the honeymoon phase is over it is common...

Are money worries killing your business? 

We are crazy about money. Money taps right into our survival instincts, our feelings of self worth and confidence in our ability to succeed. When the bank account is empty and the bills are stacking up it is normal to feel afraid. However, if you don’t unhook yourself...

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